Day Thirty-Seven

Day 37, Wednesday 13th April


If you are new to my blog, then for the next few days of Lent things will be a little different.  We are learning Psalm 22, a poem about Easter, to raise money for Tearfund. I am attempting to learn the poem in Hebrew, others are learning it in English, Spanish or Mandarin.

Do sign up to follow my blog if you want to join our mental marathon. I will post an extract of the poem every day. Learn as much as you can…

If you would like to sponsor me, please see my Just Giving page:

Psalm 22

even the one who could not keep himself alive.

וְנַפְשׁוֹ לֹא חִיָּֽה׃


los que no pueden conservar su vida.

Anne E. Thompson
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